Talk:Run as Service

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Will you separate the gui from the eMule core?

No, this is just the regular eMule with some code to run it as a service. Very similar to running srvany.

Errm, similar to what ? Remove the link ?
yup that domain has been stolen. Edited. :leuk_he 11:08, 14 April 2008 (CEST)

Original page:

HowTo: Start eMule as Service on a Server

    * Background
    * Install eMule as service
          o Why should I install eMule as a nt-service?
          o What are the hardware/software requirements?
                + eMule
                + Hardware
                + operating system
                + Firedaemon
          o Proceeding
                + install eMule
                + configure eMule
                + Windows settings
                + install Firedaemon (v1.6 GA) and setup eMule as service
                + remote controll eMule
    * install Link Catcher as service
          o what about Link Catcher?
          o where do I get Link Catcher?
          o Installation of Ed2k_link_catcher_service
          o Installation of Ed2k_link_catcher_client
          o Logfile of Ed2k Link Catchers

Sprache / Language
deutsch english

Last alteration: 05.07.2003 10:03
Author: moi.leRoi
Contact and feedback to eMule??? - without ???;
ICQ: #392-174-17
Thanks to: -=]Zeus[=- (ICQ: 82615664) for LinkCatcher programm
Notes: I hope you can understand my english. I did my best to translate it from German.

If more then one user share a common internet connection, more then one eMule will cause a lot of traffic on the line.
Why shouldn't you share your eMule? So you can avoid stressing your connection capacity. If you already have a common server to share your printer, your connection or any other service, you can also run eMule on it. So you can save a little energy, because eMule is only effective operating 24 hours 7 days a week - maybe your existing server allready have this up times.
Howevere in a normal case eMule requires a log-in user to operate. And a server which requires a logged-in user is a bad server. That's why I wrote this workaround.
Exsample: living community, firm, family with a server, single persons with a server.
Install eMule as service
Why should I install eMule as a nt-service?

There are may good reasons to run eMule as a service. Here the benefits that encouraged me:

    * eMule runs whithout a logged-in user
    * If eMule crashes it will be restartet automatically
    * beeing a geek

What are the hardware/software requirements?
Links to the Clients:
eMule Plus:
1. eMule

First you need a executable eMule or similar clone (e.g. eMule Plus).
2. Hardware

If you already run eMule, you can also run it as service. You needn't worry about the hardware requirements.
I've got a AMD Duron 1 Ghz, 768 MB RAM and 260 GB hard disk space. But it also works on slower Systems like PII 266Mhz
Links to Operating system:
Microsoft Windows:
3. Betriebssystem

As your operatin system you need a NT based Windows (Windows 2000 Family, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003). If you still have got an older version you should upgrade!
In this HowTo I use a Windows 2003. I've allready run this with a Windows 2000 Server.
Links to Firedaemon:
Documentation of Firedaemon:
4. Firedaemon

To run eMule as a service I use Firedaemon from Sublime Solutions Pty Ltd.
Note: I use Firedaemon PRO v1.6 GA. On the producers website you can download Firedaemon Lite v1.6 GA for free! This is completly sufficing for our needs. The lite version is limited on one service. This will be eMule.
1. install eMule

Shame on you, if you don't know how to install it. You can get help here:
2. config eMule

You can find my configuration here: Just take a look at it! With the ini-file you can remote edit your config but stop the service before you do it.
3. Windows Settings

If you run your eMule on a Server whithout any physical access (Keyboard) you would like to access your downloaded files via LAN. Therefor you have to share your eMule incoming folder. Do it over the windows GUI. For all impatient people use start/run : net share eMule.incoming.temp=c:\programme\eMule\incoming /unlimited /remark:"eMule incoming" (modify the path please)
4. install Firedaemon (v1.6 GA) and setup eMule as service

I am not willing to help you with the installation of Firedaemon. If you have problems, please visit the homepage of the manufactur (
You can start the Firedaemon Service Manager after the installation of Firedaemon.
Before you install eMule as service you should close eMule as programm, if it is started (since WinXP/2003: taskkill [/s remotepc] /F /IM eMule.exe
In the menue service you chose new (ctrl-n). Here you can define the new service manually. Or simple import the settings from this XML file (eMule.xml):

    * Short Name - eMule
    * Display Name - eMule
    * custom Prefix String - on/off (doesn't matter, set it on and leave the form blank)
    * Description - erun eMule as service -
    * console Application - off
    * working Directory - modify please) z.B. c:\programme\eMule
    * Exectable - (modify please) z.B. c:\programme\eMule\eMule.exe
    * Parameters -
    * Start-up Time (msec) - 3000


    * Show window: normal
    * Logon Account: do not enter anything! eMule will run with systems rights
    * Interact with Desktop - on
    * Start-UP Mode - Automatic
    * Upon Program Exit - Restart the Program
    * Monitorin Interval (msec): 5000
    * Graceful Shutdown - on
    * Max Shuddown Delay (msec) - 5000

The other Options are unimportant at the moment. Just click on install. Then on Cancel. eMule should be started allready (if not use "net start eMule").
More informations about the RD from MS here::

If you are not connecte via TerminalServer or RemoteDeskop to your computer, you should see eMule in SysTray. If you are smart and have got a Computer with no physical access and you are connected via TS/RD you won't see it in SysTray. More about this issue here:
Alternativly you can use a VNC-Tool (e.g. TightVNC or another Remotesoftwaretool (e.g. PcAnywhere) to log on the Server to have a GUI - you won't need it.

The remote connection of Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server offers the option to enter the current Session. Therefor you add the Parameter /console:
%SystemRoot%\System32\mstsc.exe /console
Now you should see Emule in the systray
5. remote controll eMule

The following path/files are important (paths are different individually)

\\YourServer\c$\Program files\eMule\config\preferences.ini (You better share this Path \\YourSever\eMule - MSC: fsmgmt.msc)

There you can change your settingss without accessing your server with any remotecontroll software
Remember, you should stop the service before you make any changes (open services.msc and connect to the server; then stop/start the service). To do general stuff in your client use the new webserver service. For myself I think it's very usefull and handy.

\\YourServer\c$\Program files\emule\config\shareddir.dat (You better share this path \\YourSever\eMule - MSC: fsmgmt.msc)
There you can enter your shared folders in your emule client. Usually you can see c:\program files\eMule\incoming
I've got a second folder ..\dauer\ where I put my permanently shared files. To share a new folder simpley enter the path to this folder in a new line.
For example:
C:\Program files\eMule\dauer\
C:\Program files\eMule\Incoming\
install Link Catcher as service
Was ist Link Catcher

Author: e2dk_Link_catcher is a server/client application, which was programed by -=]Zeus[=- (ICQ: 82615664).
Discription: with e2dk_link_catcher you can easily add eDonkey downloads to a ed2k client software over internet or LAN.
Link Catcher Download
Please share the program in your eMule folder. I will close the download on this website soon or later
The author of Link Catcher Software doesn't offer any Homepage/download. This is the only official source.
where do I get Link Catcher?

You can get the current Version of Link Catcher here: HTTP: or Emule Network: