Virus scan

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There is a whole load of malicious code out there, viruses, worms and trojans. During the course of implementing the tk4 mod have seen trojans that were detected by some scanners but not all, even though all of the scanners had their latest signatures and were reputable. The threat is real. One scanner even with resident protection may not provide adequate protection. My mod is NOT indented as a solution to this. It is merely a method of insuring the *minimum* level of virus checking is automatically carried out on every file you download. My suggestion is use one virus scanner to automatically scan files as they complete and another, your primary anti-virus program, to manually scan files before you run them or to protect your system via auto protect/resident protection. No matter how many scanners you use there is always the chance that you will be the first person to download a new virus/worm/trojan that no one has a signature for yet. Being cautious in what you download and execute on your system is a key element in protecting your system!

Multiple virus scanners.

Having good anti-virus protect need not cost you anything. Below are three really good free,(for personal use); scanners. The first two of which have command line scanning capabilities. AntiVir is particularly suited to use with eMule TK4 as its command line scanner is feature packed and pauses after a scan so you can see what it has detected. It is also easy to install without its auto-protection enabled, making it a good choice as a second scanner. Don't make the mistake of discounting Antivir just because it's free!

With virus scan enable, on most supported Anti-virus products you can choose from:

Report only or Prompt Disinfect or Delete Delete

As the default action your virus scanner will take upon detecting a threat.

All downloaded files will be scanned on completion and if a threat is found it will be dealt with accordingly. You can also manually invoke a scan from the context menu's of your downloads and share files lists.

The TK4 Mod currently has built in support for the following virus scanners installed in their default locations.

   *   AntiVir
   *   AVG6
   *   AVG7
   *   Avast! home
   *   Avast! pro
   *   BitDefender
   *   Eset NOD32
   *   eTrust EZ
   *   F-Prot (windows version)
   *   Kaspersky personal / personal pro
   *   Norman
   *   Norton
   *   McAfee - (Untested McAffee does not install with other AV products!)
   *   Sophos
   *   Zone Alarm

And of course you can configure any anti-virus scanner with command line support via the 'Other' option. Examples:

F-Prot install in C:\F-Prot

Scanner & Path: C:\F-Prot\fpcmd.exe Pre-File switches:

Post-File switches: -archive=10 -packed -disinf -auto


C:\F-Prot\fpcmd.exe file -archive=10 -packed -disinf -auto

AntiVir install in C:\AntiVir\

Scanner & Path: C:\AntiVir\AVNT.EXE Pre-File switches:

 -allfiles -z -e -noboot

Post-File switches:


C:\AntiVir\AVNT.EXE -allfiles -z -e -noboot <file>


Path\Virusscanner <Pre-file switches option> <file> <Post-file switches option>

Note: Most command line virus scanners will list their options with the switch(es) /? or -? or /help or -help

[edit] See TK4 mod