System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit [// MediaWiki Localisation] and [//] if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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qbpageoptions (Talk)This page
qbsettings (Talk)Quickbar
qbsettings-directionality (Talk)Fixed, depending on the script directionality of your language
qbsettings-fixedleft (Talk)Fixed left
qbsettings-fixedright (Talk)Fixed right
qbsettings-floatingleft (Talk)Floating left
qbsettings-floatingright (Talk)Floating right
qbsettings-none (Talk)None
qbspecialpages (Talk)Special pages
querypage-disabled (Talk)This special page is disabled for performance reasons.
querypage-no-updates (Talk)Updates for this page are currently disabled. Data here will not presently be refreshed.
randompage (Talk)Random page
randompage-nopages (Talk)There are no pages in the following {{PLURAL:$2|namespace|namespaces}}: $1.
randompage-url (Talk)Special:Random
randomredirect (Talk)Random redirect
randomredirect-nopages (Talk)There are no redirects in the namespace "$1".
range_block_disabled (Talk)The administrator ability to create range blocks is disabled.
rc-change-size (Talk)$1
rc-enhanced-expand (Talk)Show details (requires JavaScript)
rc-enhanced-hide (Talk)Hide details
rc_categories (Talk)Limit to categories (separate with "|")
rc_categories_any (Talk)Any
rclistfrom (Talk)Show new changes starting from $1
rcnote (Talk)Below {{PLURAL:$1|is '''1''' change|are the last '''$1''' changes}} in the last {{PLURAL:$2|day|'''$2''' days}}, as of $5, $4.
rcnotefrom (Talk)Below are the changes since '''$2''' (up to '''$1''' shown).
rcpatroldisabled (Talk)Recent changes patrol disabled
rcpatroldisabledtext (Talk)The recent changes patrol feature is currently disabled.
rcshowhideanons (Talk)$1 anonymous users
rcshowhidebots (Talk)$1 bots
rcshowhideliu (Talk)$1 logged-in users
rcshowhidemine (Talk)$1 my edits
rcshowhideminor (Talk)$1 minor edits
rcshowhidepatr (Talk)$1 patrolled edits
readonly (Talk)Database locked
readonly_lag (Talk)The database has been automatically locked while the slave database servers catch up to the master
readonlytext (Talk)The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1
readonlywarning (Talk)'''Warning: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to save your edits right now.''' You may wish to cut-n-paste the text into a text file and save it for later. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1
reblock-logentry (Talk)changed block settings for [[$1]] with an expiry time of $2 $3
recentchanges (Talk)Recent changes
recentchanges-feed-description (Talk)Track the most recent changes to the wiki in this feed.
recentchanges-label-bot (Talk)This edit was performed by a bot
recentchanges-label-minor (Talk)This is a minor edit
recentchanges-label-newpage (Talk)This edit created a new page
recentchanges-label-unpatrolled (Talk)This edit has not yet been patrolled
recentchanges-legend (Talk)Recent changes options
recentchanges-url (Talk)Special:RecentChanges
recentchangescount (Talk)Number of edits to show by default:
recentchangesdays (Talk)Days to show in recent changes:
recentchangesdays-max (Talk)Maximum $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}
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