Intelligent chunk selection
From EMule Wiki
With Intelligent Chunk Selection users exchange infos about what chunk is being downloaded ATM, then a user can choose the less-downloaded (priority: spread the file faster).
Abbrevisation: ICS.
In ICS the user preference "first/last chunk" take importance only when there are NO rare chunks (priority: spread the file).
In release-mode one, then you will choose the shortest-to-complete chunk that is not being downloaded ATM by any other client.
This increase the probability you and the other clients would have downloaded different chunks and keep (globally) a complete source for the file, though a couple of sources quit...
- Detail view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window
There are 3 possibility :
- RELEASE : complete source <= 3: priority to Upload/Download the rarest chunks.
- SPREAD : complete source between 4 and 10: little chunk first, rare chunk after
- SHARE : complete source under 10: normal behaviour (ECS or first/last)
(by enkeyDev)