Recover list of servers

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Revision as of 01:18, 23 November 2007 by (Talk)
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Bold text[[[Link title]]]== Empty server list == If your serverlist is empty:

  1. Go to Options/Server
  2. Set number of errors allowed before removing the server to 9
  3. Click Edit button that appears next to the option Auto update
  4. In Notepad, that is opened, add the following lines in the beginning:
  5. Save changes in notepad
  6. uncheck the two following options Update list of servers
  7. Click on Accept
  8. Go to servers window
  9. In Update Server.met from URL, write any of the URL in point 4
  10. Click on Update button
  11. If you have selected "Autoconnect only to servers on static list" add the servers you want to static list
  12. Double click on any server
  13. Once you have get 100 or more Known clients on eD2K go to the Kad window
  14. Select From known clients
  15. Click on Bootstrap

Fake servers

If you suspect fake servers because you get fake search results of find no sources or (as a lowid) get no requests:

  1. Go to Options/Server
  2. uncheck "update serverlist when connecting to a server"
  3. uncheck "update serverlist when a client connects"
  4. When available: check the option "require obfuscated connection to server" (morph/stullemule)
  5. Click on Apply/Ok
  6. Go to servers window
  7. Rightl click on a server and select "remove all"
  8. In "Update Server.met from URL", write one of the following url:
  9. Click on Update button
  10. If you have selected "Auto connect only to servers on static list" add the servers you want to static list
  11. Double click on any server
  12. optional: look for a ipfilter in security or morph update.