Advanced official preferences
Advanced Official preferences are the options that are available in official eMule but do not have a gui option to modify them during runtime.
in the extended preferences a list of these options are shown and are editable and saved. This helps you from editing preferences.ini manually.
Note that if you replace the mod "emule.exe" with official these features stay active even if there is no gui.
Todo: descrip from tooltips:
MiniMuleAutoClose MiniMuleAutoClose MiniMuleTransparency CreateCrashDump CheckComctl32 CheckShell32 IgnoreInstances NotifierMailEncryptCertName MediaInfo_MediaInfoDllPath MediaInfo_RIFF MediaInfo_ID3LIB MaxLogBuff MaxChatHistory PreviewSmallBlocks RestoreLastMainWndDlg RestoreLastLogPane PreviewCopiedArchives StraightWindowStyles LogFileFormat RTLWindowsLayout PreviewOnIconDblClk InternetSecurityZone TxtEditor datetimeformat ServerUDPPort RemoveFilesToBin HighresTimer TrustEveryHash InspectAllFileTypes maxmsgsessions PreferRestrictedOverUser UseUserSortedServerList WebFileUploadSizeLimitMB AllowedIPs DebugSearchResultDetailLevel CryptTCPPaddingLength