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Smart Upload Control v2 (SUCv2) is a bandwidth management feature: A way to determine the best possible speed for your uploads in order to keep ping times low. With bandwith management features enabled you can (as a best-case-scenario) still use your broadband internet access for other applications like online games, WWW and eMail.

[edit] SUC

Abbreviation: SUC

The utilization of the line is determined not by additional pings (which fall under Overhead), but from the response time and/or signal running time of the clients with which eMule must communicate anyway. Thus no additional traffic is created.

The four parameters Low pitch, High pitch, Drift and Passport serve the response time and speed of the Upload for the adjustment.

USS and NAFC are similar features that are now considered superior to SUCv2.

'Todo: edit below data into above'

You have the possibility of using a dynamic function of upload named « SUC » (Smart Upload Control). This function manages automatically your upload speed according to the use of your Internet bandwidth. It makes possible to send MORE when you don’t download at high speed (in eMule or others ways) or if you surf intensively. You must set a minimum upload speed and a maximum which is located in the Connection section of your preferences. If you don’t know the adjustments of the SUC, we advise you to keep the default values. Don’t put 0 (zero) for your max upload speed but rather your maximum upload speed allowed by your connection or a little less, this is absolutely necessary for the good distribution of the slot and the management of the SUC. Caution, when you do not download a file, SUC can ’ t function also effectively that it would because it not having enough sample of response times of the users, so deactivate it in this case. Moreover, according to the types of Internet connection, it is necessary to adjust the various parameters (the possibility of log in the window "debug" the activity of SUC is there to adjust these parameters precisely). Information present in the log is then the following one:

  • Time : Response time on the user who has just answered (in ms)
  • Clip : Average response time (in ms)
  • Ratio : It is this which will decide if one must up or down the upload
  • VUR : Limit of upload which eMule will have to respect (in byte) The parameters of SUC are:
    • High Limit (High Pass) : High limit of the ratio
    • Low Limit (Low Pass) : Low limit of the ratio
  • Pitch : To use to take into account or not

response time (in ms)

  • Drift : Is addition with the VUR when there (in byte)

How it works now:

  • Does ratio < Limit Low = > One up the VUR of 500 bytes if one is close to the limit
  • Does ratio > High Limit = > One down the VUR from 500 bytes
  • Does ratio between the limits = > One up the VUR by adding the

drift We hope that the most skills users will be able to thus regulate the parameters of SUC in an optimal way.

Developed by: Lovelace

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